Evolution and Creation - LDS Prophets and Apostles Doctrinal Proclamations and Statements
This video contains only official statements from latter-day prophets and apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and from the scriptural statements of Jesus Christ himself. These LDS Church authorities answer questions like: What is "The Origin of Man"? Do Adam and Eve really stand as the sole progenitors of the human race? Did Adam evolve from lower forms of life? Can one harmonize Moses's creation account found in Genesis and other LDS scripture on Creation with Darwin's theory of Evolution? What is the " 'Mormon' View on Evolution "? Has Darwinian evolution been addressed in General Conference talks? How should we respond when modern "science" conflicts with Church doctrine?
Church authorities quoted in this video:
Russell M. Nelson
Joseph F. Smith
Heber J. Grant
Ezra Taft Benson
Joseph Smith Jr.
Thomas S. Monson
Harold B. Lee
Joseph Fielding Smith
David O. McKay
Jeffery R. Holland
Mark E. Petersen
James E. Talmage
Bruce R. McConkie
Marion G. Romney
Neil L. Andersen
Boyd K. Packer
Neal A. Maxwell
Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Some materials found in these videos may be copyright by Intellectual Reserve, Inc., a non-profit corporation affiliate with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Such use of copyrighted materials are claimed under the fair use clause of Section 107 of the Copyright Act, for nonprofit educational purposes, as a transformative work. The selection, arrangement, and manner of presentation of the quotes contained herein are solely the work and responsibility of the video's editor and represent, as well as can be conveyed, the editor's understanding of what God intended to convey through his servants, the prophets. Decide for your self, whether this work is an illustration of the intent of God through his prophets or the thoughts of men? The choice is yours.

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Thanksgiving Point Dinosaur Tour
Presentation by Vincent Newmeyer
Date: Check back for scheduling
For: Everyone
Utah County Event
Learn of the popular theories of the origins of life, as well as the contrasting scientific evidence that indicats a recent creation of divine origin, compatible with scripture.
Location: Thanksgiving Point Museum of Ancient Life
2929 Thanksgiving Way, Lehi Utah

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Evolution and Creation - LDS Prophets and Apostles Doctrinal Proclamations and Statements
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